Program List

The number of (the)data : 1
  • Nature
  • Food/Cooking
  • Nature
  • Food/Cooking

Harvest! -Specialities of Niigata-(Japanese Title : 食彩の詩 season2 総集編)

This program will introduce you agricultural products and livestock products in Niigata with the voices of farmers who respect for nature.It also presents you special cooking recipe.
For example,Yukishita-Ninjin (carrots under the snow), farmers in Tsunan town forgot to harvest one fall. After snow melted, they harvest carrots which survived through the winter, and discovered that carrots were sweeter and had less carrot aftertaste. By staying under the snow, the component for sweetness and umami (flavor) increases in wonder. Since the temperature under the snow constantly stays at 0℃, carrots would not get frozen.